Get your Ash (Somewhere).

"Teach us to number our days aright that we may gain a heart of wisdom." Psalm 90:12

Ash Wednesday is upon us. The time each year that is set aside to reflect on the duplicity of our ever present mortality, coupled with the never ending mercies of God. A loving God that grants us safe passage from the ashpit of life to the eternal hope we have in Christ. And so with both deep humility and great hope we receive the ashes that mark the beginning of our 40 day journey (plus Sundays aka little Easters) to the cross, through the grave, and into the glorious light found Resurrection morning.  English please! Ok, you are going to die. Have you stopped for a second to inspect how you are living while you still have the breath of life filling your lungs? 

Why participate in Ash Wednesday? 

By participating in Ash Wednesday, you will begin the Lenten season with a solid commitment made with the strength of the community around you. A strong start makes it more probable you will finish strong!

In between the last of The Tatonut Kingcake donuts, the final parades, and other fun & festive Mardi Gras celebrations, be thinking what you could give up for Lent?

What could you offer? A technology fast? Refrain from eating out as much? Turn the faucet off your running mouth.

But more importantly, ponder what you can "add" to fill the void created by your fast--Start a daily scripture reading practice. Tomorrow I'm starting a @YouVersion plan 'Journeying With Jesus - 40 Days Lent Devotional'. Check it out here---> Click here to join me!  Set a dedicated time to pray? Commit to being in worship each Sunday of Lent? Just can't be there? Join our online worshipping community.  Forgive someone? Gather around your family's table more? Use the money you saved from eating during Lent to start a "Giving Jar."

The entire point of "giving up" something or "adding something" is to make an intentional effort to draw closer to God as we focus on our 40 day journey to Easter morning. 

God is not the one that moves away from us. As we seek to refocus our lives and center our hearts around Christ, God will be found.
Local? Meet me at The Greenhouse on Porter any time from 9 -11 am or at the Ms. Gulf Coast YMCA from 4-6 pm to begin a season of intentional reflection by an outward expression of your inward effort to become more like Jesus. Or participate in our Ash Wednesday Service at 12 noon at St. Paul at our Porter Avenue location or 7 pm at our East Campus location. If not, just get your ash somewhere! Google is a miraculous thing: Ash Wednesday Service near me. Click! ------> Lent Begins.


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